Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Drug Addiction Killed : Woman Wandering Disturbed in the Lane of London

Addiction is defined as not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be harmful.
Addiction is  dangerous for health and serious problem that affects millions  and millions of people of the world striking on  the function of brain.It destroys marriages, friendships, and careers and threatens a person’s basic health and safety.

There is only eight years and three months difference between these two pictures. This picture is of famous British singer Amy Winehouse. Amy Winehouse has seen many forms of life in these 8 years. As soon as the sun rose in the UK, Amy's songs would be playing in every shop, radio station, coffee corner and c stereo! Her soulful voice would have resonated in every iPad and headphone! She is visible in the crowd of luxury cars, luxurious hotels, gatherings of the rich.

Then this time also came when the date of London was seen lying face down in the streets!  Bars and clubs had banned their entry!  Addiction and depression have eaten up Amy's beauty, fame, respect, luxurious life. In eight years, Amy saw every aspect of life, incomplete relationships, disharmony of loved ones, mean friends, Amy became a victim of loneliness and depression from all of them. Her feelings are also found in her songs.  She kept going away from the colors of life!  She was completely lonely in her last moments.

On the morning of July 23, the body of 27-year-old Amy Winehouse was found in her flat in such a condition that the whole room was full of empty bottles of wine. Amy's shocking post-mortem report has come to the fore, in which her alcohol concentration in her body is higher than her blood concentration.

Stay away from addiction, it eats up your life. It kills. 

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